Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 1

For a number of years I have "thought" about running a marathon. I thought about it in the same way that I've thought about one day owning a horse again, or one day jumping out of a plane, or one day traveling to Australia. One of those "it would be nice, one day" kind of thoughts. And then I would remember that I am overweight, and I have never been a runner or even a jogger, and that I hate sweating.

For some reason I am ready to make that "one day" a reality. I am ready to give it a completion date. I decided just over a week ago that this is the year in which I train for a marathon. The whole thing. I don't believe in doing half things. It would just mean that I would have to do it again, in order to complete it.

My friend, Patti, has run a marathon (or two?). She is my prayer warrior. The one I turn to when life feels overwhelming and I need someone to throw up some prayers, and maybe throw some cussing in there too. She is strong, and direct, hilarious,and intelligent. She's a gun-shooting, cake-eating, candy-hoarding, blog-writing machine. She's from Texas, and she's a grandma unlike any other. She's sacrilegious and yet so close to God it ain't even funny, and she is currently battling breast cancer. I admire her in many, many way. On her good days during this battle she is still running. And if she can run, then I sure can. So this is partly for her. #runningforPatti

My brother-in-law ran a marathon a few years ago. His first one. From being almost as out of shape as I am. He trained, and lost weight, and trained, and freakin' ran that thing. His family was all there to cheer him on at the end. I didn't know them then. But I was there when he ran his second marathon. And I want to feel that same sense of accomplishment. I want to know I committed to something big, and I worked harder than I ever thought possible, and I did something bigger than me.

My youngest turns 1 tomorrow. I want all of my kids to see me set a goal, work hard for it, and accomplish it. I want my youngest to never remember that his Mommy was overweight. I'm not knocking my weight. I have a lot of other things going for me, and am proud of who I am as a Mom, and wife, and daughter, and sister, and employee, and missionary. I am proud of the body that bares the stretch marks of three pregnancies. I am proud of the health I have, even with the extra weight. I am proud of my mind and heart and soft, huggable curves. I don't want to become a food nazi, denying myself family meals and ice cream and declaring everything with butter or sugar as evil. I don't want that kind of life. But, I do want my kids to see me trying and experiencing everything I dream of trying or experiencing. If I want to jump out of a plane but can't because I'm overweight, I want them to see me making changes that enable me to jump out of that plane. And since I don't want to become a food nazi, a runner seems like a good choice for me.

In the past 5 years my entire life has changed. I have survived a divorce, fallen in love with my soul-mate, gotten married, moved, gone back to school, found a new church home, become a missionary, and had another child. My life has gone from a stay-at-home mother of two, to a part-time working mother of 7. I have two adult step-children, and I want them to see me set a goal and achieve it. I want to be an example for them also. I have 5 kids at home still. This is NOT going to be easy. At some point over the next year I need to finish my last graduate school class and begin a practicum and internship. I have church commitments, am a soccer/football/cheerleading mom, have teams to lead to Bolivia, have dates to go on with my husband, have extended family events, have a job to do, have a house to help renovate, have daily cooking and cleaning and laundry to do, and have a toddler to watch. When I say NOT easy, I mean it. And yet I am committed to this.

How committed? Well, I just ran/walked 2 miles. Which sounds like nothing to so many people, but it is huge for me. I did it even though I have a hurting heel, don't own the right sports bra, am wearing second-hand shoes, and have a million things on my to-do list. Oh yeah, and I haven't run at all in years, and haven't walked in a very, very long time also. So yes, I am doing this.

I have a training schedule I downloaded from Digital Running Club. 52 weeks of training. I think I have less than 52 weeks before the marathon I want to run, but I'm planning to make up for it somewhere. I am going to be doing some strength training also, on the off days, and am considering PiYO for that to start. I am open to suggestions, advice, and questions. I'm no superhero or expert by any means. Just a 37 year old lady, ready to do this.

Pittsburgh Marathon 2016, here I come.

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